Special guests visited us on 02/28/2024
Dr. Bindu R. Nair, the Director of Basic Research within the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Jean-Luc Cambier, the Program Director of the Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship program visited us on 02/28/24. We gave a series of presentations on our ongoing work at BEC4, BEC5 and Dypole.
As the main part of the VBFF program in the next 5 years, Dypole presented 2 talks. The main part is about bilayer lattice: Does not each lattice site work as a tweezer tip? YES! The Dypole lab is building up a 3D lattice system, where they have spin-dependent double-1D lattice along the vertical direction. By this way, they are supposed to observe quantum phase transitions due to magnetic dipolar interaction. When they are moving two spin-dependent layer potentials towards each other, they should see a transition from the Mott insulator phase for both layers to the Mott insulator phase for the double layer but checkerboard pattern for each layer!
BEC4 talked about the engineer details of our microscope. BEC5 talked about the spin model simulation with Lithium-7 and the microscope upgrade design on the chamber.
After the presentation, we had lunch together and had lab tours in the afternoon.