Two Dypole papers published on Science and Nature Communication

Check out our two new papers studying dipolar relaxation suppresion and dipolar interaction in a coupled bilayer system. MIT news: click herePopular science article: Scientists Shrunk the Gap Between Atoms to an Astounding 50 Nanometers

Special guests from OSD and DoD visited us.

Dr. Bindu R. Nair, the Director of Basic Research within the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Jean-Luc Cambier, the Program Director of the Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship program visited us on 02/28/24. We gave a series of presentations on our ongoing...

A special hotpot party

We had a special hotpot party on 02/09/2024 to warmly welcome our new students: Andrew Winnicki (BEC5 intern), Hyo Sun Park (BEC3) and Yaashnaa Singhal (Dypole)... and to celebrate Chinese/ Lunar New Year-- the dragon year!

Spin physics under a microscope

Spin physics under a microscope In BEC4, we have implemented state-dependent optical lattices for Rb-87 to simulate spin-1 physics. By adjusting the intercomponent interactions, we have prepared a spinful Mott insulator with repulsively bound pairs. Now we are setting...